Unit 2- Problem Solving

Lesson One:What is a Computer?

In lesson one, I learned about the four steps of problem solving. These are Understanding the problem, Making a plan, and Carrying Out the Plan. I know that I have learned because I am able to recite the steps with relative ease and impliment them in to the problem solving process.

Lesson Two: What is a Computer?
In lesson two, I learned about
Lesson Three: Chocolate Bar Problem
In the Chocolate bar problem, the goal is to find out how many times a person must cut a chocolate bar to get twelve pieces of chocolate. To find this solution, I concidered every possible way of breaking the chocolate bar. While solving, I realized that I can only create 1 additional piece per break. With this information, I realized that the amount of breaks will always be one less that the amount that you started with. The equasion for this is N-1.
Lesson Four: Skip
Lesson Five: Nameless
In total, the highest number you can count to on your fingers is 2046. To do this, let each finger represent the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on. Then, use your fingers as binary code (00001 = 1). Finally, repeat this processs by each bending your fingers half-way down to represent each number again. This will give you 2046. The other person came up with 30, as you can put your finger in 4 distinct positions (Down, 1 joint, 2 joints, up). This will give you a count of 30.
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